《流行挖哇WOW》除旧衣物 迎接2017年
一转眼,又到了2016年的最后一天,你准备好除旧迎新,迎接新的一年了吗?随着农历新年脚步也逼近,你是不是在烦恼要如何处理衣橱里堆积如山的衣物呢? 只需在网上注册后,将不要的二手衣物通过快递服务或是亲自拿到这家位于城市购物中心的店面Refash,就会有工作人员为你效劳,帮忙分...
Behind The VC Company Founded By A Malaysian Who's Faced Bankruptcy Twice In His Career
Consider TinkBig as a baby startup’s First Venture Capitalist because they are “comfortable with the rough imperfection of a new...
2017 going to be an year of down-rounds: TinkBig’s Andrew Tan
Amid hopes of an active 2017 for venture capital firms in the region, Malaysia’s TinkBig Venture has cautioned that the next 12 months...
Confessions of a venture capitalist
As the managing partner of TinkBig Venture and a serial entrepreneur turned venture capitalist, the most common question I get is how to...
Cradle’s private investment fund grows to RM190.2 mln
KUALA LUMPUR: Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd (Cradle) is on track to drive more private investment participation to boost the ecosystem for...
This Malaysian startup raises US$200K to help users find solution to their legal woes
TinkBig Venture led the funding round for BurgieLaw, an online marketplace for legal services Kuala Lumpur-based legaltech startup...
Bursting at the seams: Singapore's cast-off clothing
More than 156,000 tonnes of textile and leather waste was thrown away by Singaporeans last year, but only 8 per cent of such waste is...
Ecosystem Players in Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Silicon Valley Team Up to Create Synergy betwe
Photo Caption: (From left) Alex Lin, Infocomm Investments; Mayor Eric Chu, Mayor of New Taipei City, representing InnoSquare;...
竹青庭 11 月份活動花絮
科技部創新創業激勵計畫 105 年第 2 梯次,於 9 月初公布晉級前 20 強的團隊,科管局配合 FITI 計 畫執行小組,伴隨團隊參加 FITI 創業實踐營與 DEMO 成果展示,並聘請業師輔導晉級前 20 強的竹 科 FITI 團隊,透過一對一的募資簡報輔導及...
BEAM Raises SEED Round from TinkBig Ventures to drive startsups throughout SEA
Business Connectivity platform BEAM secures SEED round today, led by TinkBig Ventures. The aim of the round is focused on scaling BEAM’s...